Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Thing 24: Or, Thing 1 revisited

Here we go again. Good thing, since I haven't blogged since our last Thing on a Stick. No excuses, just spending too much time messing around on the internet. I don't know that I've learned anything in that time worth mentioning here though. Or, at least that's what I'm thinking now. Perhaps I have learned some worth-while stuff, and I'm just not aware of it!

I thought blogging was pretty fun the last go around with it, and I'm looking forward to doing more. Too bad I haven't felt I had anything worth blogging about in the past few months, or I'd have done more. Now there is another set of things to blog about, so off we go.

There is only one blog that I check occasionally: Imagine Knit. I check it because it's my friend Senja's blog, and I'm always impressed by what she's got going on. I don't post anything to her very often, maybe I should though. I did also check out One Dollar Diet Project, simply because I saw them on some show (Oprah? Good Morning America? I don't remember.) It was an interesting read over the course of a few days, but not something I've really check back on (until now.) My favorite 23 things blog was D-Block, the humor was great and something I looked forward to reading as he progressed through each Thing. Here's hoping he works on the next 23 Things! I will now be checking my director's blog as well: The German Experience. She's already done Things 24 and 25! I'm impressed, seeing as how we both have become Facebook addicts.

1 comment:

Senja said...

Now I know where to check up on you too:) I gotta check out your links they look interesting.