Friday, January 30, 2009

Thing 24: addendum II

No, seriously. I had quit looking for a new template. I was closing each of the many tabs I had opened in my search for something different; when lo and behold, I saw this one that you're looking at right now! A couple hours later, and here's the final result. It only took about an hours worth of tinkering to change the font colors from readable on dark pages to readable on light pages, to get all my widgets lined up and ready to go; and another hour to figure out exactly how to get this template to work. Now here's a change I can believe in. Good-bye dark dots, hello big monster!!

1 comment:

Linda said...

Your new look is VERY attractive. Congratulations on your good taste. I love papercraft and this is a lovely look, simple, clean, and creative. Way easier to read than the dots too so thanks for that from your appreciative multitype director who does read all of these blogs.