Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Thing 9: Can you help me compose this?

Gee, I wish I had gotten to this thing a week ago. It would have been handy as I typed a document at work, emailed it to my home address, worked on it some more, forgot to save it, and had to email my not-very updated document back to my work address. Google Docs or Zoho would have saved me some time (and a big head-ache as I searched my brain for what I had already written.)

I don't know which is better. I was able to easily do both. (Not that I doctored the Zoho document provided by 23things.) I did set up an account in case I need to type up a project in the future.

Wouldn't the founding fathers be happy to have had this at their disposal. "Glad we don't have to get together to work on this again, that John Hancock can be such a bore. And don't even get me started on T.J."

Oozing Freedom, originally uploaded by quick5pnt0.

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